Benefits of Membership

By joining the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference, you will:

  • Support neighborhood schools and parks

  • Support longstanding programs that are supported by HPKCC such as:

    • Hyde Park Garden Fair

    • Hyde Park Used Book Sale

    • 4th on 53rd Parade

  • Become part of a diverse group of individuals who care about their communities

Membership Levels

The following are HPKCC membership levels:

  • $15 - Senior/Student

  • $25 - Individual

  • $35 - Family

  • $100 - Friend

  • $200 - Supporter

  • $500 - Sponsor

HPKCC Membership Form

Please click on the HPKCC Membership Form button below to become a member of the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference.

Once you complete the form, you will be directed to a page where you can pay the annual Membership fee.

Donate to HPKCC

If you do not want to join HPKCC as a member, you can also make a donation which helps our organization provide events and programming to the communities we serve.

Thank you for your support of HPKCC.